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Listening activities

Shades and Shapes Module [28 MB]

Shades and shapes - intro.mp3

M1 U0 ChapterB Act6.mp3

M1 U0 ChapterD Act13.mp3

M1 U1 ChapterA Act3.mp3

M1 U1 ChapterD Act15.mp3

M1 U2 ChapterC Act6.mp3

M1 U2 ChapterD Act12.mp3

M1 U3 ChapterB Act5.mp3

M1 U3 ChapterC Act9.mp3

M1 U3 ChapterE Act16.mp3

M1 U4 ChapterB Act4.mp3

M1 U4 ChapterC Act7.mp3

M1 U5 ChapterA Act5.mp3

M1 U5 ChapterB Act11.mp3

M1 Revision.mp3


Shades and Shapes Module [23.6 MB]

M2 U1 ChapterA Act3.mp3

M2 U1 ChapterB Act4.mp3

M2 U1 ChapterD Act8.mp3

M2 U2 ChapterB Act4.mp3

M2 U2 ChapterC Act6.mp3

M2 U3 ChapterC Act7.mp3

M2 U3 ChapterD Act13.mp3

M2 U4 ChapterD Act11.mp3

M2 U4 ChapterD Act13.mp3

M2 Revision.mp3


Shades and Shapes Module [11 MB]

M3 U1 ChapterC Act6.mp3

M3 U2 ChapterA Act1b.mp3

M3 U3 ChapterC Act5.mp3

M3 U4 ChapterB Act3.mp3

M3 Revision.mp3


Shades and Shapes Module [8.7 MB]

M4 U1 ChapterB Act3.mp3

M4 U2 ChapterB Act4.mp3

M4 U3 ChapterB Act4.mp3

M4 Revision.mp3


Shades and Shapes Module [7 MB]

M5 U1 ChapterA Act3.mp3

M5 U1 ChapterD Act11.mp3

M5 U2 ChapterD Act11.mp3

M5 Revision.mp3


Shades and Shapes Module [6.3 MB]

M6 U1 ChapterA Act3.mp3

M6 U1 ChapterB Act7.mp3

M6 U2 ChapterA Act3.mp3

M6 Revision.mp3